Friday, May 25, 2012

Play & Learn

Assalamualaikum =)

did you know that you can improve your english by playing games? yes you can. adakah anda tengok Oh My English hari ahad lepas di Astro TVIQ pada pukul 10 pagi? kalau tanya aku memang aku tengok. taktau la pasai apa dok excited sangat dengan Oh My English ni kan. tapi seriously this is good for me which always use broken english. tralala~ you may laugh but so many people out there using broken english. this is the fact. i admit that broken english is easy to understand no matter tou you or to someone that you want to talk with. no matter where you go, you need english. well, from now on i pledge to myself to speak better english, its not for anyone else but for my future. teheee :)


ini la yang aku dok bebel bebel daripada tadi. this is the platform! this game quite fun for me since dah lama tak main monopoly. lepas gian kat sini pun takpe Lol. i've just started playing this game and i'm in day 3 of school. hihi nak main ni senang je. macam main monopoly :) roll the dice and answer the question.

common mistake.

go to OH MY ENGLISH if you wanna play the game and don't forget to catch Oh My English every Sunday at 10 a.m on Astro TVIQ.

lapaaqqq ni tau tak? Good Morning everyone :)


Hanis Nizam said...

learning english is fun actually

Nur Amalina Razali said...

hanis: true that! :)